Hotels near Via Vittor Pisani in Milan

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Via Vittor Pisani in Milan

Via Vittor Pisani is the wide boulevard going from Piazza Duca d’Aosta (better known as the square in front of Milano Centrale Train Station or the square with Pirelli skyscraper) to Piazza della Repubblica. It is the street people take when they walk from the Central Station to the historical centre of Milan.

Hotels in Via Vittor Pisani in Milan

There are many shops and offices in Via Vittor Pisani, but the street is not a very typical hotel address itself. Nevertheless, these are dozens of hotels in the side streets which either cross Via Vittor Pisani or run one or two blocks from it in parallel direction.

Hotels in other streets near Via Vittor Pisani

Hotels in Via Napo Torriani

The street with the highest number of hotels near Via Vittor Pisani is definitely Via Napo Torriani, a relatively quite street, but with many hotels, mostly with 3 or 4 stars. Napo Torriani starts at Piazza Duca d’Aosta (it is the first street on the left from Via Vittor Pisani when standing in front of the Central Station) and goes diagonally to Piazza Cincinnato.

Other streets with hotels near Via Vittor Pisani

Other streets with many hotels close to Via Vittor Pisani include Via Giovanni Battista Pirelli (from Piazza Duca d’Aosta between Pirelli skyscraper and Via Vittor Pisani), Via Fabio Filzi (the first street parallel to Via Vittor Pisani in the west), or two streets going from Piazza della Repubblica to the south-east – Via Panfilo Castaldi and Via Camillo Finocchiaro Aprile. These are just the streets with highest number of hotels – you will find at least one or two hotels in almost every street near Via Vittor Pisani, as this part of Milan is a very popular hotel district.

Milan Via Vittor Pisani hotel booking
