Hotels near Parco Sempione in Milan

Book a hotel close to Sempione Park in Milan

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Parco Sempione in Milano

Parco Sempione (Sempione Park) is the largest park in Milano city centre and a popular place to relax, walk, jog, and even play a little football when weather is good. Parco Sempione is situated behind Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco). At the other end of Parco Sempione there is Arco della Pace (an arch) and behind it Corso Sempione begins, which is a long and wide boulevard. Other streets around Parco Sempione include Via Mario Pagano, Viale Moliere, Via Legnano, Viale Elvezia, and Viale Giorgio Byron. In the north-eastern part of Parco Sempione there is the Arena Civica Gianni Brera.

Hotels near Milan Parco Sempione

You will find plenty of hotels near Parco Sempione, especially on the inner city side around Sforza Castle, Piazza Castello, and Foro Buonaparte. Most hotels near Parco Sempione are 3 star or 4 star hotels, but there are also a few cheap 2 star hotels and a few 5 star hotels (mainly in the historical centre).

Other locations near Parco Sempione

Parco Sempione and Sforza Castle are about 8-10 minutes walk from Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square) and Milano Cathedral, the Duomo. The concentration of hotels near Duomo is among the highest in Milan.

Metro Stations near Parco Sempione

The metro stations closest to Parco Sempione are Lanza Brera Piccolo Teatro (near Arena Civica Gianni Brera), Cairoli Castello (in front of Sforza Castle), and Cadorna, which is also a busy railway station.

Milan Parco Sempione hotel booking
