Hotels near Caiazzo Metro Station in Milan

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Milan Caiazzo Metro Station

Caiazzo is a station on Milan metro line M2 between two interchange stations, Centrale FS and Loreto (it’s 1 stop from Caiazzo to either). Caiazzo Station is located at Piazza Caiazzo, which is the crossing of several big streets, namely Via Giovan Battista Pergolesi and Viale Andrea Doria (the latter is the direct connection between Piazza Duca d’Aosta and Loreto). Other streets close to Caiazzo Metro Station include Via Luigi Settembrini, Via Franchino Gaffurio, Via Giulio e Corrado Venini, and Via Mauro Macchi.

Hotels near Caiazzo Station in Milan

The area around Piazza Caiazzo and Milan Central Station is a very popular hotel location in Milan. The streets have many restaurants and pizzerias. Most of the hotels closest to Caiazzo Station are directly on Viale Andrea Doria, especially in its section between Piazza Caiazzo and Piazza Luigi di Savoia (all within 2-3 minutes walk from Caiazzo Station). Most of these hotels have 3 or 4 stars. One budget hotel close to Caiazzo Metro Station is Hotel Calypso in Via Errico Petrella 18.

Hotels near Milano Centrale (1 stop from Caiazzo)

The highest concentration of hotels near Caiazzo Station is in Via Napo Torriani, Via Roberto Lepetit, and Via Vitruvio – these streets are actually closer to Centrale Station, but they are still within 5-10 minutes walk from Caiazzo. Here you can see more details about hotels near Milano Centrale Station.

Milan Caiazzo Metro Station hotel booking

It is recommended to book accommodation early, especially when not flexible with dates.
