Book a hotel close to Buonarroti Metro Station now
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Buonarroti Metro Station and Piazza Michelangelo Buonarroti
Buonarroti is a station on Milan metro line M1 (red). It is the first stop on the Rho branch, immediately following Pagano Station, where line M1 splits in two branches. Buonarroti Station is situated at Piazza Michelangelo Buonarroti, halfway between Piazzale Giulio Cesare and Piazza Piemonte on Via Michelangelo Buonarroti (main street). Other streets at Piazza Michelangelo Buonarroti are Via Monte Rosa, Via Tiziano, Via Giotto, and Via Raffaello Sanzio.
Hotels near Buonarroti Metro Station in Milan
Buonarroti Metro Station is close to the southern border of Fiera Milano City, a large convention and exhibition centre. It is on the way between San Siro and the historical district of Milan (where the most tourist attractions are). There are several good hotels very close to Buonarroti Station, especially on the bigger streets (Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, Corso Vercelli, and Via Giorgio Washington). Most hotels near Buonarroti Station have 3 or 4 stars, but you will also find several budget hotels (2 stars or no stars).
Other hotel locations near Buonarroti Station
From Buonarroti Station it is only 3 stops to Milano Cadorna and 4-6 metro stops to the most popular tourist area in the historical centre, with many hotels, shops, restaurants, and attractions. The stations are Cairoli, Dante Cordusio, and Duomo.
Milano Buonarroti Station hotel booking
Hotels in Milano city centre are often sold out long in advance. If you are not flexible with dates or looking for a particular location or particular hotel, it is advisable to book accommodation early.